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Writer's pictureNikki Hynes

5 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Might Be Slow

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Photo by Theme Inn on Unsplash

Weight loss is something that we all struggle with at some point in our lives. For some of us, it's been an entire life of hating the scale and for others, it's only been since bringing a beautiful little baby into the world. Then there is the COVID-19 weight that a lot of us seem to be struggling with. Sigh...

Regardless of how long you've struggled, there are basics we all know because they have been drilled into our heads for years.

  • We need to consume fewer calories than we burn on a daily basis.

  • We need to move our bodies more and sit on the couch watching Netflix less.

  • We need to focus on eating whole foods and breaking take-out habit.

Despite this, there are times when you’re doing all the right things, but that weight loss just won't happen as you hoped.

So what do you do?

Well... when this happens, you need to dig a little deeper and look outside of your exercise habits and nutrition habits.

Ladies, please do not forget to take your hormones and where you are in your cycle into consideration with this! It plays a big role in all of this stuff.

Also, you know I am not a fan of only using the scale as a source of truth for what is going on with your weight loss. You need to take measurements and photos to get a rounded picture of what is going on. The scale is only of many tools we have in our weight loss toolbox.

So if you are tracking the above and still struggling, take a look at the list below to see if you need to focus a little more on something.

Here are 5 reasons why your weight loss may be slow:

1. You’re Stressed Out - Especially recently. The switch to remote work or a job loss, taking care of the kids and managing remote education with them, making sure your home is disinfected and you have enough toilet paper on hand, how could you not be stressed, during 2020?!

Stress releases something called Cortisol (also known as “the stress hormone”) and in today’s society, excessively high Cortisol levels are all too common. Cortisol encourages the storage of body fat (especially around your midsection), and it has been linked to other health issues such as depression, anxiety, sleep problems, digestive problems and heart disease.

Solution: Start a gratitude journal or just straight up journalling about your feelings, start practicing yoga or meditation (clearing your mind can be a very powerful way to keep stress in check) surround yourself with positive people (mindset can be contagious), if you are working out, limit the length of your workouts to 30 minutes (long workouts can sometimes place unnecessary stress on the body, so try shorter durations and see if there is a change) and make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep.

2. You’re Not Sleeping Enough - This ties in directly to stress. Not getting enough sleep can raise levels of Cortisol in your body because it stresses the body out. When you get the proper amount of sleep each night, your body produces Growth Hormone, which has the opposite effect on the body of Cortisol. Growth Hormone encourages fat loss, supports a healthy immune system, and helps to keep your organs functioning properly. Making sure you get enough sleep will also help you to cut back on calories. Many times we are eating out of boredom or because we are stressed. Anyone noticing a vicious cycle here?

Solution: Cut out caffeine filled drinks after 12pm, unplug from electronics (including television) 1 hour before bedtime (if you read using a Kindle or iPad, make sure you have your blue light blocker turned on!). Electronics & TV can be stimulating and they emit a blue light that mimics daylight and stops the body from producing melatonin. Try doing some yoga or meditation before bed to calm your mind and reduce stress. A lavender pillow spray or some lavender essential oil in a diffuser can also help!

3. You’re Not Drinking Enough Water - You’re probably sick and tired of hearing about how important water is to your health. Despite the non stop reminder to drink your water, most people still don’t drink enough of it.

There are so many benefits to drinking water, one of which is proper kidney function. When you're dehydrated, your kidneys can't function properly and your liver has to pick up the slack. This is bad because your liver is responsible for the metabolism of fat, which means fat cannot be metabolized as properly when your liver has to work twice as hard to remove toxins. See where I'm going with this? So next time you want to roll your eyes when someone asks if you've been drinking your water, don't!

Solution: Drink more water....duh! Start each day with a glass of water (before your coffee!) and make sure you always have a bottle of it nearby. Also, before reaching for a snack, drink a glass of water. Chances are you're dehydrated and not actually hungry. Stay thirsty my friends.

4. You’re Not Eating Enough Fiber - Here's another one you've probably heard a million times. Fiber aids digestive health and helps to create a sense of fullness, which makes consuming less calories easier because you don't feel hungry.

It’s estimated that only 5% of Americans get enough fiber. 5%!! Most people think they're getting enough fiber from grain-based products like bread and cereal, but the reality is these highly-processed foods have been stripped of their nutrients as well as their fiber. Yum!

Solution: Eat more fruit and vegetables, and choose whole grains, like brown rice and steal-cut oatmeal, instead of their processed counterparts.

5. You Have Poor Digestion - This is a lesser known issue, but it's becoming more talked about. The gut is incredibly complicated, and scientists are only scratching the surface when it comes to understanding how gut bacteria actually works. But one thing is clear: whether you want to improve your ability to lose fat, boost your immune system, clear up your skin, or even just feel better on daily basis, it all starts with your gut health.

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize their gut isn’t functioning properly until there is a major issue. However you can take steps to help prevent poor digestion today.

Solution: Reduce stress, minimize the consumption of legumes, grains, sugar, processed foods and pastured dairy (I'm sure you've heard of Paleo or Whole30, which are different nutrition lifestyles. Do some research on could have food sensitivities that are not helping your digestion and gut health), and last but not least, take time to properly chew your food. This allows saliva to begin breaking down food and makes it easier for your body to digest.

So there you have it guys, 5 reasons why your weight loss might be slow, and a few ways to get the metabolism fired up again!

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