I know 2020 seems to be crawling for some people, but as I sit here, I can't believe it is November already. I think that's because November tends to act as a vortex to the new year, so I figured I better set some November goals to ensure I finished the year out strong and build the momentum I need to kick off the new year.
This year, the vortex into the new year is going to especially fast since I am preparing to travel for the first time since March and the quarantine stuff started. That means I will be spending 2 weeks in California and then 2 weeks quarantine upon my return. Throw Thanksgiving in there and it's essentially Christmas and the ball will be dropping the next day. Wait... will there even be a ball this year? They already cancelled the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.... sigh.
Okay... November goals. I built these based on the habits that I learned in 75 Hard but I scaled them back to fit into my daily life better.
November Goals
Follow a Balance Diet
Workout Daily
Drink 1 Gallon of Water
Meditate for 10 Mins
Read 10 Pages
Read Scroll 1 three times a day
Each of the above tasks will be completed daily in order for me to great new daily habits. Yes, some of these are basically habits for me already, like reading and drinking water, but I can easily talk myself out of doing things, so they are on the list.
Plus I really enjoying checking things off, so I made a tracker for myself to do just that! It makes me feel accomplished as I go through the day. It's a ego boost and it makes me feel good, so don't judge me.

Yes, I know there are 30 days in November. Daylight savings day took it's toll on me yesterday when I was making this and I just didn't have the energy to fix it. Progress not perfection, guys! I'll either fix it while I'm on the plane or I'll just add check marks in the margins - even if I only follow 28 days of this I would be proud.
75 Hard definitely got me to get my nutrition in check. I cut out the junk and even when the program was over I didn't go back to it. Yes, I had pizza and enjoyed every bite of it, but other stuff didn't taste good anymore. I had a few pieces of Halloween candy on Saturday and it was terrible to me. Your tastebuds change as you improve your nutrition, which work in your favor when you are your own worst enemy at times with food.
While on 75 Hard I started 10 Rounds which is a boxing program on the Beachbody On-Demand platform and I fell in love with it. My first run through I made it to week 3, realized my form wasn't good enough to move forward and restarted it. I am currently in week 5 and will be wrapping it up next week while in Cali. My plan is to restart it and complete it again with focus on mastering form and improving my range of motion during the core strengthening sections. I will team this up with stretching/yoga on off days since the program is only 5 days a week.
Some of you might be asking what is a scroll and why are you reading 3 times a day. Well, the scrolls are from the book The Greatest Salesman in the World by OG Mandino. Its a small book so you might, great this is a quick read, but it is not. There are 10 scrolls within this book and you are supposed to read each one 3 times a day for 30 days before moving on the next one. This make the book take months to complete and you end up forming new, good habits along the way.
I originally ready these book a few months cover to cover when I borrowed it from my boyfriend. I instantly knew I wanted to buy it and read it the intended way, but I kept putting it off. Then I was listening to the Matthew McConaughey interview on the Tim Ferris Podcast and he started talking about them. I took it as a sign from the Universe, hopped onto Amazon and bought myself a copy along with McConaughey's new book, Greenlights, which I can't wait to start reading tomorrow on my flight.
So there you have it.... my November goals! To me they will serve as a solid foundation to build momentum and start the new year off right. I believe that they will also help me to identify my goals and form a solid blueprint for 2021. However, if I learned anything from 2020, it's that I need remain flexible and open minded when it comes to goals and what they look like.
Do you set goals? Did you set goals for November? Do you want to set goals but are unsure of how to start? Let's chat!
